
Posts Tagged ‘Baguette’

Bonjour mon amis!

…well, it’s day two here in Paris, and without going into all of the emotional baggage, it has been hard to adjust.

I always knew that I just knew a little French…but I didn’t know how little that indeed was.  Putting sentences together is not my specialty at the moment.  Sure, I can say all sorts of French things in my head, and they sound absolutely lovely (some of which, I’m not sure what they mean, but they are in there), but once I start to speak, it becomes a mix of stuttering half French/half English babble.

Frankly put, after a lovely but embarrassing dinner party upon my arrival last night, I was a little fearful of going outside on my own to buy food.

It took the morning and most of the afternoon before I decided that my bag of ‘airplane snack’ pumpkin seeds was just not going to be enough substance for the day.  I made a plan, I would only buy things that I knew how to pronounce – took a deep breath – put on my coat and boots – and headed out the door.

In the end, I succeeded in buying all of the things that I set out for, with only a small amount of embarrassment.  Who knew buying produce would be such a task?!…

Here is what I purchased:

Trois Oranges,


Deux Pommes,


Une Petite Baguette,


et Une Eclair Cafe (impulse purchase and YUMMY!)


And yes, it was very nice to finally get outside, and walk around – just had to let go of that initial fear.

Tomorrow is another day, and I certainly have a lot of time to explore!

I’m pretty sure language lessons are in my not too distant future as well – then perhaps I won’t be just eating fruit and baguettes!?



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